

         Human advancement is impossible without research and development. Humans are entirely reliant on natural resources and resource-based life support systems. India has a large population, which necessitates the development of innovative and sustainable goods, methods, and techniques. The Research and Development Division (R&D) of the Joy Academy (a Unit of Kumari Mangrove Foundation) will focus on the development of new and effective herbal medicines for common lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and hypertension. We will also focus on developing technologies that will improve the standard of living of the poor at a very low cost.

The Joy Academy (a Unit of Kumari Mangrove Foundation) operates in all areas. Agriculture, health and nutrition, education and poverty, energy, sustainable development, seed quality, organic farming, medicinal plants and herbs, etc.
The Joy Academy (a Unit of Kumari Mangrove Foundation) believes that perfect work requires perfect planning. For perfect planning and good work, the Joy Academy (a Unit of Kumari Mangrove Foundation) first developed our research and development department. This department operates in different segments for the growth of the company and uses R&D technology to simplify planning and realize new visions.